It has recently come to my attention that my username was mispelled. It is not ment to sound like "Homocidicle", it is ment to sound like "Homicidicle". I'm probably going to get that changed. Well at least it's not as bad as "Genocide" or "SickDeathFiend" and not to mention "MillerTheKiller, but this can make my image expressed as a homosexual bicycle or a Homosexual Killer, "Homicidicle", which is my name for a robot, was a classic choice. If I wanted to sound like a gey bike I woud've picked the name "JerryTheFaggotBicycle", and if I wanted to sound like a gay killer I would've picked the name "Catoblepas". So that clears up any confusion yessir.
p.s: Go Visit my damn Website!!
lmao "if I wanted to sound like a gay killer I would've picked the name "Catoblepas"